I worked at CLP for 8 h. Ex-member of Canadian rock group Triumph Ric Emmett came into CLP with wife and daughter and borrowed some books [1]. I talked to him a bit. Christine called me there twice and I spoke with her after work. I also called Ashley from CLP after hours. I still have no voice. I didn’t want to go home because I wanted to avoid Mom’s Halloween party for Sara, Adam and Martha, who, along with Gary, Lynda and Grandma, are visiting today. Mom got a small male pale-blue breasted budgie, named Kelly [2], at the flea market. We’re using Grandma’s old cage. They all left by 20.00. Sharon called twice. She came over, saw Kelly, and we played Monopoly. She won. We watched TV, commercial shows [ = infomercials], I coughed my head off and she left by 03.30 (I think.)
[1] Ric lived around the corner from the Clarkson-Lorne Park branch library.
[2] We later discovered that Kelly was female. This is the day that started my love affair with budgies, and I have had at least one budgie as a pet ever since.