Christmas in Halifax

Mark and I are in Halifax over Christmas. We left on Monday on a 7:15 a.m. flight, which meant of course that we had practically no sleep because we had to wake up in the middle of the night in order to get to the airport in time. For the first time among all my past Christmases in Nova Scotia we had a white Christmas, and I do mean white. I recall one past east coast Christmas morning where we had a thin blanket of snow, but it didn’t last until the afternoon. This time, however, Halifax has received a lot of snow and it kept falling until Christmas Eve night. The roads and highways weren’t plowed and it made the drive treacherous, with cars skidding and fishtailing. You couldn’t even see the lines painted on the asphalt. Mark worried that we wouldn’t be able to climb the hills to his sister’s house, but we made it all right.

With our arrival in Halifax so close to Christmas, we had to do all of our remaining shopping on the afternoon we landed, December 23, and also on Christmas Eve. Fortunately we had done the majority of our shopping before we left, as we knew our time down east would be limited.

The following pictures were taken on Christmas morning at the Bedford home of Patsy and Jim, Mark’s sister and her partner:

The snowy backyard as seen from our bedroom

Patsy and Jim’s Christmas tree

Outside the front door

Snowy forest in the back

High snow piled on the deck overlooking the backyard

Mark and Patsy

Mark with his full ice skate stocking

Opening a surprise

Mark with one of his favourite chocolate bars

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