My favourite ice cream is daiquiri ice, manufactured by Baskin-Robbins. Unfortunately the company discontinued the flavour in Canada decades ago, and the last time I tasted it must have been in the early eighties. I often ask at Canadian locations when they’re going to bring it back, hoping that constant customer nagging will trigger a reaction among the employees who will communicate this to the head office. I have been told that the flavour is still produced in the US, yet I have never seen it at American Baskin-Robbins outlets.
While Mark and I were shopping for ice cream or novelties at a Rehoboth Beach Safeway yesterday, I was ecstatic to find daiquiri ice in 414 mℓ cartons! So yes, in the States you can indeed buy daiquiri ice, but in grocery stores, not in Baskin-Robbins outlets (and I checked; there is one on Rehoboth Avenue). I wonder if other grocery chains stock it, so I know where to find it whenever I visit the US.