
Today after my workout I got on the scale and my weight was 185.0. That is my new peak weight, and it marks a milestone of sorts. When I first started weight training in the autumn of 2003 I weighed 135 pounds. I worked out at home with my own set of weights for one year before joining the Y. I was afraid of scrawny me getting laughed out of the gym if I walked in there, but my boyfriend Mark, a longtime Y member, encouraged me and I credit him for not applying the pressure. He doesn’t even know he did this, it was so subtle.

I have officially gained fifty pounds since I started working out. That seems so incredible and hard to notice unless I look at old pictures of myself. My aunt Sharon (one of my father’s sisters) sent me some pictures of myself from family gatherings, going years back. I looked so anorexic. I can’t believe even my skull was so bony. I should scan some of them and upload them here. But today I celebrate a gain of fifty pounds.

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