Mark and I played eight games over the course of our Florida vacation and I won all of them. One of those games was during the unrated tournament our friend Howard Pistol organized and I will deal with that game in my tournament report. In the other seven games I won, I averaged 424 to Mark’s 329. Here is the bingo breakdown:
Craig | Mark |
ABDUCING (92) | RAiLERS (65) |
GRATINE (75) | STRIATE (65) |
BEASTIE (79) | CuRLERS (71) |
ENROOTs (83) | |
CURRANt (70) | |
SANITIES (82) | |
EUCRASE (78) * | |
OUTLIES (70) | |
ARTIEST (69) | |
TEREDOS (78) | |
CArNiVAL (83) | |
BEATINGS (158) | |
HAUNTErS (70) | |
RUNTIEST (82) | |
SImIANS (69) |
The first five games were played in Key West in our room at New Orleans House. Unfortunately the room had no table and not even a single chair, so we had to play awkwardly while sitting on the bed. The tables on the deck outside our room were round yet far too small to accommodate a board, clock, racks and score sheets. We had a better playing space in Miami Beach at the Riviere hotel, where we used the main lobby.
Neither of us could play out in our second game, thus Mark had to deduct 1 from his score and I had to subtract 4.
I wrote down CESURAE on the back of my score sheet yet the word would not play. I obviously was confusing my phony bingo with EUCLASE.
I played BEATINGS as a triple-triple through the G. That was during the first of the two games we played in Miami Beach. Coincidently, in the game that followed, I had BEATING on my rack yet it would not play.