The most beautiful actress to grace the silver screen, Luise Rainer, turns 101 today. This remarkable woman won Academy Awards for Best Actress in 1936 for “The Great Ziegfeld” and in 1937 for “The Good Earth”. Turner Classic Movies (TCM) will present both films tonight. You will fall in love with Miss Rainer in “The Great Ziegfeld”. Her delicate figure, complexion like fine porcelain and sweetness of voice will stand out immediately. Her happiness in her role and the smile that goes along with it will convince you of her talents, yet when you see her heartbreaking performance in one key telephone scene, you will be convinced that she deserved the Academy Award.
Look at this beautiful woman! I have never seen a woman on screen so breathtakingly beautiful. When I wrote to Miss Rainer last year to congratulate her on her centenary, she sent back four autographed photos. I did not have a digital camera at the time, however to commemorate Miss Rainer’s 101st birthday I have photographed these pictures:
One year ago I provided a link to a YouTube clip which celebrated Miss Rainer’s centenary. The clip features some of the most beautiful –there’s that word again– stills from Miss Rainer’s career. View the clip here:
Now whenever I hear “Summer Breeze” I cannot help but smile. This kind of smile appears and you don’t even notice you’re doing it. That song has been running through my head all day yesterday in anticipation of Miss Rainer’s birthday. It is thus also known to me as the “Luise Rainer song”.
To my favourite actress, Miss Luise Rainer, thank-you for your generous gift of autographed photos, your movies, the joy you have given me, and may I wish you a very happy 101st birthday.