Moving and the Geek

This past weekend I was not working, yet the hopes I had of relaxing in front of my computer to watch past episodes of “Coronation Street” on the website were dashed when my computer once again got infected with some blinking virus. Back in December, as I blogged here, my computer got spiked with some version of the 2010 Antivirus (or whatever its name is). All-round good guy Kevin Turner saved the day by providing me with easy-to-follow instructions and I cured my own computer.

The virus my computer got this time could not be saved by the Malware program I downloaded last year. Oddly, I could still use my blog site and Gmail over the weekend and although I could not watch any episodes of  “the Street”, I could still bitch about the state of my computer in private messages and in Gmail chats. Thanks everyone for listening and for your advice. I vow to buy a Mac this year, and when I do, I will need your advice again.

My boyfriend Mark moved house on Friday, which is a date to remember since it was also my birthday. He moved to a new condo very close to his old house, and a graphic of the new building is reproduced below:

He moved boxes of stuff in his car all this past week, and only hired movers on Friday to do the heavy work. I came by on Sunday to help him unpack and sort. He took me out to dinner yesterday night in between our massive unpacking project. I was also treated by my mother, brother, sister-in-law and Mark too at a Japanese buffet in Mississauga on Saturday night.

Mark’s new building is still under construction, as I certainly found out at 7.30 this morning when ear-splitting drilling woke me up with a heart-busting shudder. It will take Mark quite a long time to unpack everything and to decide whether he wants to keep everything he brought over or not. When he moved he ditched a lot of stuff, and now that he’s in his new place, he will do some more tossing. Fortunately he has rented out his old house and the new tenants moved in yesterday.

This morning my Geek Squad geek came over and spent an hour and a half fixing my computer. I wonder what I could have done to get these viruses. It’s not as though I download stuff with .exe extensions or click on games to play that wreak havoc with my system. This current problem occurred after I was logged in to my old blog site no less, and I mistakenly clicked on an ad, by mistake, just to the left of the scroll bar. When I replaced the mouse over the scroll bar, it froze, and then the problems began.

My computer is working fine now, and I hope that in the autumn, after a summer trip to Europe with Mark, I will buy a Mac and not have to worry about viruses.

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