Scrabble Club / March 21, 2024

I won all three last night:

419-315 against John D. I played the only bingos, TEENERS (66) and EQuINES (85).

403-328 against Steve. I played AZINE (74), UNLACING (62) and PETIOLeD (74) and Steve ended the game with SCURFiER (63).

404-388 against Peter H. I played STAGIER (77) and Peter played ErASION (67) and ARTISTE (71). I was ahead but Peter’s ARTISTE brought him close to the lead. I had to spend a lot of time to think out the endgame and was glad I had the time to do it. I had a tempting play that guaranteed the win: EGGNOg (27) yet was unsure if it could be spelled as one word. My doubts forced me to rethink the endgame and find another way to win. Simply put, if EGGNOg got challenged off, I lose. I played ENG for 6, emptying the bag. My final rack was CGNOY? and I hooked the front of LID with sYNC onto the TWS for 28 which sealed it.

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