Scrabble Club / May 23, 2024

I had a good night and won all three:

430-268 against Vivina. I played a triple-triple, NOTARISE (131). I was about to play ERASION on my next turn and Vivina’s prior move was VET, slotting the T in third position. It’s not often that one has the chance to play two possible triple-triples, yet I chose NOTARISE over NOTARIES in the hope she might challenge it. She didn’t, and smartly rear-hooked it with a -D later. One of my racks was EFOPRY? and there was no place for a 7LW, so it was unfortunate I couldn’t get down the rare FOPpERY (which ranks 23395 out of 25473). tORPEFY is the only other 7LW, yet didn’t see it. I was concentrating on 8LW with that rack, and only saw FOREPlaY. The only other 8LW is sPOoFERY.

374-301 against John D. Only one bingo on the board, my STORINg (64). We had a horribly blocked board, yet I noticed that with my rack of NNORST? I could open it up by playing NU for 2, in the hope of drawing one of the three remaining I’s. At this late stage in the game I felt I had a good chance of drawing one of them. John could do nothing to block STORINg or SORTINg, hooking gNU. (TRIgONS wouldn’t have fit).

484-431 against Yvonne. The bingos came out in game three, where I played INERTIA (68), hooking the A onto the end of WHO, and OUTLEAPT (83). Yvonne played AMITIES (80) and BeLlING (84). Near the end of the game I played REZ for 24, keeping the P for PREZ. With the rack AELPTTU I considered fishing off a T for one of the remaining three A’s to make PLATEAU or the S to make PULSATE. Yvonne blocked any possible PREZ play by making OCA. I then saw my second bingo. As it turns out Yvonne had the last S and all three A’s.

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