Scrabble on St. Pierre and in St. John’s

Mark and I played nine games while on holiday and I won seven. We played our first four games while on St. Pierre:

01 I opened our first game with BODICEs (78) and later on played INTERRED (68). Mark played REASONeR (64). 465-337

02 My first move (going second) was AUDIENT (70). I also played NONARTs (68) and BrEASTS (74). After BrEASTS I emptied the bag of six tiles: CGTVWX. Mark’s final rack was DDNNRSW. I managed to play out, getting a single N from Mark’s rack. Obviously the board had enough open vowels at the end of the game to enable us to do this. 443-274

03 I played AIGRETS (73) and RUBDOWNS (65). Mark played REVEReD (80). 419-295

04 My first three plays were all bingos: PLAyDATE (62), NETLIKE (69) and PREENER (69) taking me to an even 200 points. I later played ANTiARS (72) and OOZY (69). 515-321

05 With a rack overloaded with high-point tiles, I managed to play GLYPHIC to a C for 36. My rack was GHILOPY which only plays through an N to make HOPINGLY. Mark was the only one to play bingos in this game, with AUNtIES (70) and RANTERs (66). 322-415

06 I played BOoMIEST (86) and Mark played GUNKIER (83) and HINTERS (90). 374-483

07 I played PECTINE (71)* and GENTILES (59). PECTINE is a faux hoatzine quetzale singular, back-formated from PECTINES, the singular form of which is PECTEN. 427-250

08 I played STERILE (68) and COARSELY (92). Mark played ENTIRElY (72). 435-298

09 I played PiCRATES (94) and iNACTION (86). 477-302

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