Mark and I played five games of Scrabble during Thanksgiving weekend and I won all of them. Mark could have won one (where the final score was 404-395) had he found his winning outplay. Here is the bingo breakdown:
Craig | Mark |
BuLRUSH (79) | ASPIRINg (74) |
DiSPUTED (86) | wOODIEST (75) |
JERRIdS (99) | OvERRAN (76) |
ZINCITES (71) | LUSTING (80) |
MODERNER (74) | |
LODESTAR (63) | |
LEARNING (59) | |
AEROBiA (66) | |
RETINAE (71) | |
LITERATE (66) | |
ADENInE (68) | |
INTERIoR (78) | |
BuLRUSH was a low-probability find, ranking 24007 out of the 25318 seven-letter words.
In our fifth game, my first three plays were consecutive bingos, the final three on the chart.