The library got it right. I am happy to announce that Edward Ho will be the new full-time Library Assistant level four at the Central Library Information Services department. If I was in charge of picking my own replacement, I would choose Edward. I had in mind three possible candidates who would be ideal in the position, and Edward was the only one of whom I knew had applied for it.
Edward started as a page in Information Services when I was his direct supervisor. I only had praise for his work and he was a dream to supervise because he was obedient and professional. He had stellar page shelving test results and I only regret that he did not stay long enough for me to write his performance appraisal for my manager. Edward was well suited for a more advanced position and he moved upward within the library system.
When a full-time position opened up at the Frank McKechnie branch, he applied for it and got it. A full-time position was his prerogative, yet it would have been nicer if he got one at Central, which is on his doorstep. Many LA4 positions opened up before the Central Library reopened. Edward was ineligible to apply for any of these because he had accepted the Frank McKechnie position and had to sit out a period of probation before he applied for anything else. That was too bad, because Edward’s heart is at Central yet the opening of that full-time position at McKechnie, the location where he was presently working, was too much of an opportunity to pass up.
My decision to retire was based on several factors, yet one that I didn’t consider directly was the date when I did so. It occurred to me that by choosing to retire at the end of March, Edward would become eligible to apply for my job. This would be a serendipitous advantage for choosing that specific retirement date, and I am glad I chose not to retire earlier.
Congratulations Edward!