I won all three last night. The playing room was sweltering, and we opened all the windows and doors to let some air in. The temperature on local station CP24 reported that it “felt like” 35°C and was I ever glad to be wearing just a tank top and shorts. Even in that I was boiling.
314-289 against Alex. What a low-scoring game! Alex played the only bingo, NaNNIES (68). One of my racks was CCEHINP and whattya know, this is yet another rack that only makes one 8LW through a K: PINCHECK. I did not know the word. Last week at the Toronto Club I had ABHILOR, which makes KOHLRABI. At the Mississauga Club, I had DEEHNOS which makes KEESHOND.
399-262 against Libero. We couldn’t find a board to use and wondered how everyone was able to play in the previous round. Turns out someone had set up a board in the clubhouse entrance on the low coffee table. Without either of us knowing this, we scrounged around for one in the kitchen cupboard. We found tiles in a translucent yellow bag and since we couldn’t find an opaque bag to put them in, laid them all face-down on the table beside us. It was like old times playing with tiles in the box lid. There were two old wind-up chess clocks yet neither worked even after I wound them. We ended up playing without a clock, yet Libero seemed to take longer than usual in light of the absence of any time penalty. We already had a late start in our search for equipment. I played the only bingo, CADGErS (72), which is the only 7LW in that rack.
428-362 against Tony. I played CUTTERs (77) and LEVITATE (74) and Tony played TINNERs (67) and AGENETIC (65). I was looking for but missed the DWS-DWS through an open I with my first bingo rack: URTICaTE.