I won one game last night so my record so far this season is 3-3:
406-348 against Anna. I played ENSLAVED (66) and FLOATIER (74) and Anna played INTONERS (66). I picked the blank very late in the game and I do not know how long Anna had hers, yet we couldn’t score much with them. I ended up going out with MORAlE (18).
359-393 against Alex. I played OPsONiN (79) and Alex played STORIED (78) and MEANEST (82). I took a chance by opening the right TWS row by playing OH (28) while holding onto the last O to make OHO on my next turn. The only way Alex could score along that row is if he found a 6LW ending in S to make OHS. And he did: FATWAS (54) sealed the win.
359-464 against Mark E. I played REmANDED (80) and Mark played SHINGLED (84) and OUTLEAPt (72) as well as JOSH (60). I made a few errors in this game. With the tiles I used for my bingo I should have played pANDERED or wANDERED in the same spot for 83, from the middle TWS going down to the D which was on the star. Other 8LW would have fit that slotted the first D on the DLS, but I wouldn’t have chosen to play dANDERED, gANDERED, gARDENED or hARDENED as I liked the blank as one of those “clunky” consonants, p or w instead. I felt the game was doomed when I drew my replacement tiles, BIISUVW, yet I managed to play IWIS / FANATICS (27) on my next turn. What may have won me the game is if I had remembered that DAILIES and SEDILIA had a third anagram: LIAISED, which would have fit, hooking the D onto YO. I never even looked for a word ending in D, which is the only letter I held that hooked onto YO.