Voihan vammainen: Lasten kuvasanakirja vammaisuudesta

Voihan vammainen: Lasten kuvasanakirja vammaisuudesta by Heini Saraste and Kalle Könkkölä, illustrated by Väinö Heinonen is a picture dictionary in Finnish. Its contents are words about disabilities. The words are explained in simple terms and the illustrations help in the comprehension of the definitions. Some of the words are obvious by their illustrations such as:

Kuulovamma means “hearing disability” and shows an older woman with her hand to her ear with her pet parrot shouting “Puhu kovempaa!” ( = “Talk louder!”)

Fittingly, the only words in the entire dictionary which did not feature any illustrations at all were for sokea and sokko since sokea means “blind”. Sokko is defined by:

“Näkövammaisten itsensä käyttämä nimitys
itsestään tai toisista näkövammaisista.
Sokko on myös leikin nimi.”

= “Visually disabled people use this term
about themselves or about other visually disabled people.
Sokko is also a name for a game.”

Concepts that affect all people, but with a context especially applicable to disabled people, are dealt with as well. Terms such as esteettömyys (liberty), integraatio tai inkluusio (integration or inclusion), laki (the law), syrjintä (discrimination), saavutettavuus (accessibility) and älykkyys (intelligence) are among these terms defined and illustrated. This dictionary has a focus on the integration of disabled individuals, especially children. Some definitions of terms, such as for laitos (an institution) portray the word with a heightened nuance of negativity.

The end of the book features a double-page spread of words that have become outmoded or which are no longer deemed acceptable. The accompanying illustrations depict the people in mediaeval dress and even the page is stylized to look old and tattered, like a discolored document.

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